11Aug 2010
About RC22
16:49 - By Laura Ranca
Political Communication Research Committee
General information
IPSA RC22 Political Communication has been recognised as a Research Committee (RC) by IPSA in 1984.
Our objectives are:
- to encourage scientific analysis and discussion of the political aspects of communication within states (in a comparative framework) and across national boundaries
- to develop means of facilitating interaction among scholars who are conducting research on related issues and topics.
The present Board Members of IPSA - RC22 Political Communication (July, 2018) are:
Darren G. Lilleker (Bourneouth University, UK)
Óscar G. Luengo (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Dominic Wring (UK)
Philippe Maarek (France)
Marta Rebolledo (Spain)
Susana Salgado (Portugal)
Eli Skogerbo (Norway)
Membership of IPSA-Political Communication is open to political scientists who are members of national associations affiliated to IPSA, and to individual members of IPSA. No membership fee is required, but donations are welcome. For further rules concerning membership see the IPSA membership page.
Areas of interest and activities
Our members are concerned with a diverse set of research interests in political communication, including the international structure of communication, political theories of communication, the relationship between the public and private broadcasting sectors, cross national comparative studies, the political impact of the media, the impact of technology and technological change on politics, values and cognition, and models of diplomatic communication, government communication and public relations, their impact on the citizen, and their use and/or influence.
The committee aims at representing as many different schools of thought in our field, and of the countries and regions of political scientists interested in them. We support interdisciplinary work as relates to media and communication.
Our activities include at least two annual sessions on various themes in political communication at the IPSA World Congress, international roundtables and smaller panels at other professional meetings such as the International Studies Association, the American Political Science Association, the International Association of Media and Communication Research, the International Communication Association, and the American and World Association for Public Opinion Research.
We issue newsletters about our activities and other information relevant for researchers in the field of political communication.
We organize and maintain personal contacts among political scientists with common interests in political communication. We encourage members and supporters to participate in our projects.