The editorial policy of aDResearch ESIC contemplates the publishing of articles which deal with subject Political Communication from different perspectives in English or Spanish languaje. The objective is to serve as a go-between where knowledge, applications and methodology can be shared in this area by furthering scientific contributions in diverse facets of communication. For this reason, the articles to be published should be relevant and novel, with the possibility of being of different types:

Research articles. This kind of article presents the outcome of an original research project in detail. As a result, it should include several different sections: introduction, bibliographical review, research methodology, results and conclusions. At least 60% of each issue of the journal will be made up of this type of article.

Reflection articles. This type of article puts forth the results of critical research done by the author, from an analytical or interpretative perspective. Thus it should refer to original sources.

Review articles. This type of article presents the outcome of research based on a careful bibliographical review of at least 50 references. In the article the results from the different research published or unpublished should be analyzed, systemized or integrated to a field related to communication with the purpose of contributing the most interesting advances and techniques.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 22 December, 2010


COORDINATOR: Darren Lilleker, DLilleker(at)

PLEASE SEND YOUR PAPERS TO Pablo Gutiérrez, pablo.gutierrez(at)